Fording a stream in the dark with a dog. Not the best idea. One of thousands of beach logs at Kalaloch Distracted by a treat. The Grandmother Tree! See the beetle she’s chasing? Probably sniffing Watching the clouds dance in the valley and on the hillsides and everywhere First signs of autumn! Misty rainforest Barren mountains the master at work
Although we found the lush mossy rainforest mountains of Olympic National Park to be unlike anything we’ve ever witnessed before—from the moment we entered the region, to our two unbelievable campsites, the enchanting shroud of rainclouds everywhere, then the brilliant verdancy of seemingly endless sun-kissed evergreen peaks and ridges—despite all of this enrapturing magnificence, this park will forever be the place where we first heard the impeachment levees (finally!) burst forth with roaring fury.
Justice is nigh.

Politics aside, we think the splendor of this land transcends ideology and party lines. If you ever get the chance to run your fingers over a massive driftwood on the shore at Kalaloch, or to breathe in the enlivening scent concoction brewed by the myriad trees, ferns, fungi, dew drops, birds and bugs, and everything that’s coated in moss, or to stand on the edge of a vista while realizing your entire line of vision simply cannot take in all of the mountaintops and glaciers that comprise Hurricane Ridge…take that opportunity and give your soul and your senses the amazement you’ve suspected was out there to witness.

Our four nights there were unforgettable, and ended with an evening soaking in the nearby hot springs as we continued to absorb the breaking news of the day. As we arrive in Seattle and station here for a week’s time, we’re excited! We’ve yet another city to explore—the buildings, the food, the bikram, the parks, the people!—as the truth is made known and sets us all free…from sea to shining sea.